The Egyptian Society for Blood Transfusion Services
Symptomatic diabetes is a rare disorder in which there is a problem with the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) also known as vasopressin. This hormone...
Symptomatic diabetes is a rare disorder in which there is a problem with the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) also known as vasopressin. This hormone...
● Symptoms of leukemia. Symptoms of leukemia vary according to the type of leukemia. However, common symptoms of leukemia include the following: . • fever. •...
Tooth decay occurs as a result of the following: . Food residues collect on the teeth and we do not clean them, especially foods that contain a high percentage of...
Helicobacter pylori, which is called the stomach germ or the digestive germ, which made Helicobacter pylori the most widespread bacteria in the world, and the...
The term hemorrhagic fever refers to a group of viral diseases that differ in severity and severity, some of which are normal and some that are dangerous and may...
Hypercoagulability, or hypercoagulability, is a disorder that occurs when blood clots too quickly. . ● Important information about hypercoagulability. Among the...
Sepsis or sepsis results from a set of reactions that the body makes when it picks up germs, where the immune system releases chemicals that cause inflammation...
● Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can be divided as follows: . More commonly, classic clinical vitamin B12 deficiency...
● Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can be divided as follows: . More commonly, classic clinical vitamin B12 deficiency...
The brainstem is the corridor for information transmission within the body between the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the rest of the body. . The brain stem...
● Symptoms of severe GERD, the severity of the symptoms may vary from one patient to another, but there are a group of symptoms of severe GERD in which the...
Symptoms of leukemia, the symptoms of leukemia vary and differ according to the type of leukemia, however, the common symptoms of leukemia include the following:...
● Causes of blood in the urine. The appearance of hematuria may occur due to damage to any part of the pathway of urine excretion. The most prominent causes of...
Hypoglycemia is a decrease in the value of blood sugar to less than 50 mg / dL, and in newborns and infants, hypoglycemia often disappears, knowing that it is...
Before we know the causes of heartburn, we must explain to you some details about how the stomach and esophagus work, as follows: . • When eating food passes...
● Signs and Symptoms of Emergency Spinal Injury. Signs and symptoms of emergency spinal injury include: . • Severe back pain or pressure in your neck, head or...
Symptoms of insulin resistance Insulin resistance usually does not cause any noticeable symptoms except for tiredness, exhaustion, and low energy, which some may...
● Causes of heart palpitations The most common causes of abnormal heart rhythms or murmurs are the following: . 1- Tachycardia, Tachycardia means that your heart...
● When should the examination be performed? An erythrocyte sedimentation rate test is performed for several reasons, including: . Diagnosis of inflammation or...
● When should the examination be performed? An erythrocyte sedimentation rate test is performed for several reasons, including: . Diagnosis of inflammation or...
Areas of association work:
1 Cultural, scientific, religious services (main).
2. Social assistance.
3. Egyptian Health Activities Magazine for Blood Services
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