The Egyptian Society for Blood Transfusion Services
● Pulmonary Hypertension is one of the most serious diseases that people may suffer from. This disease affects the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the lungs, and raises blood pressure in these blood vessels. In the wake of the heart's excessive effort to deliver blood to the lungs, great pressure falls on the right ventricle, which may lead to heart failure on the right side, or to death if not treated properly, as a result of the "collapse" of the right part of the heart. Who can not stand and continue to deliver blood to the lungs.
• It is possible that the process of disease development and exacerbation (which mainly affects women) can last from several months to several years. When infected with this disease, women are prohibited from getting pregnant, for fear of greatly affecting their health as a result of the great pressure on the heart.
• People with the disease suffer from breathing difficulties and fatigue to the extent that it is difficult to perform simple daily tasks, and it may even reach the extent of finding it difficult to walk a short distance in some cases. One of the symptoms that characterize this disease is the blueness of the lips and fingertips due to a lack of oxygen in the blood.
• This disease is not affected by poor nutrition or lack of physical activity, however, patients are usually required to maintain moderate physical fitness and under supervision, in order to prevent fatigue following excessive effort.
• Since the symptoms of the disease are not distinctive and not limited to it alone, and because it can be associated with other diseases such as shortness of breath, asthma, lack of physical fitness, or even stress and anxiety, those who suffer from it often do not go to the doctor, and even if they do, the examinations The initial results do not result in indications of pulmonary hypertension, this situation leads to a delay in the diagnosis of the disease for a period that may reach
to several years, a period that could be fatal for the patient. According to statistics, for every patient diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, there is another patient whose diagnosis is delayed by about three years from the day of infection, and as a result he does not receive the necessary treatment.
• Over the past few years, we have begun to notice a high level of awareness of this disease, both on the part of patients and on the part of medical staff. And if, until a few years ago, the echocardiography examination was used to visualize the left ventricle in the heart only with the aim of diagnosing some other diseases, today this examination includes imaging of the right ventricle in order to assess the level of blood pressure in the lungs and diagnose the disease. Well, for confirmation
Diagnosis, the patient must undergo right ventricular catheterization. We are talking about a much simpler catheterization process than the normal left ventricular catheterization process, which takes 15 minutes. During catheterization, true blood pressure is measured within the lung artery to definitively confirm the diagnosis.
● In order to diagnose the cause of the disease, some tests must be performed, such as lung performance examination (pulmonary function), computerized tomography (CT) of the chest, as well as blood tests
In order to exclude and deny the possibility of joint diseases, AIDS and cirrhosis. It is also possible to perform a radioisotope imaging scan of the lungs in order to detect the presence of blood clots in them.
• After diagnosis, the goal of treatment is to widen the blood vessels in the lungs. In very simple cases of the disease, it is sufficient to follow up the patient's condition and perform echocardiograms once every six months. If the severity of the disease is between mild and moderate, then the patient is treated with oral medications that lower blood pressure, such as endothelin receptor antagonists, including Bosentan or
Sildenafil (Sildenafil - Viagra). Also, patients are treated with hemolytic drugs, in order to prevent the formation of blood clots.
• In the most serious cases, drug treatment includes some drugs from the Prostacyclin family, and it can be given through the inhalation process (sprayer) or through intravenous injection in fixed doses that have been determined in advance. If this treatment is not effective, the patient will have to undergo a lung transplant.● Today, with the availability of modern capabilities to treat this disease, which increases the quality of life of patients, the delay in diagnosing the infection seriously affects patients, and therefore there is great importance to diagnosing the disease early and treating it effectively in a timely manner.