The Egyptian Society for Blood Transfusion Services
Most cases of anemia are not accompanied by symptoms from the start, as it is detected during a routine blood test.
In the following, the type of anemia will be mentioned, followed by its symptoms, thus making it easier to know what type the patient has:
1. Iron deficiency anemia.
People have several problems without showing symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, such as: stomach ulcers. In general, the most important symptoms of this type include the following:
• Fatigue and laziness.
• shortness of breath.
• Tachycardia.
2. Pernicious anemia, the symptoms of pernicious anemia are as follows:
• Exhaustion.
Weakness and laziness.
• shortness of breath.
• headache.
Pale skin.
• Tachycardia.
• Tinnitus.
• Loss of appetite, which is accompanied by weight loss.
3. Anemia resulting from chronic lead poisoning. The symptoms of anemia resulting from chronic lead poisoning are:
What follows:
Blueness around the gums.
• Abdominal pain.
• holding.
● The people most exposed to lead are:
• Workers with paint and drawing materials, pottery, metal smelters, and glass workers.
• Who continue to drink water from sources contaminated with lead.
• Who eat canned food frequently.
• Those who use ceramic utensils that contain lead in cooking or when storing foodstuffs.
4. Sickle Cell Anemia: Symptoms of anemia resulting from sickle cell anemia are as follows:
• exhaustion.
• Recurring infections.
• Delayed growth and development in children.
• Severe and frequent pain, especially in the joints and abdomen.
5. Anemia resulting from a sudden destruction of red blood cells,
Symptoms of anemia resulting from the sudden destruction of red blood cells are as follows:
Abdominal pain.
• Urine that is brown or red.
• The appearance of jaundice symptoms, such as: yellowing of the skin.
Small bruises under the skin.
Symptoms of kidney failure.
• Brown or red urine.
Leg ulcers.
• Deficiencies in growth in childhood.
• The appearance of gallstones.
● Symptoms of anemia have not gone away, as the following symptoms may also appear:
Ulceration and redness of the tongue.Mouth ulcers.
Change in walking and movement.
Blurred vision.
Excessive irritability.
• Depression.
• A change in the way you think, feel and act.
• Weakness in mental ability, such as: poor memory.