The Egyptian Society for Blood Transfusion Services
●Causes of GERD for pregnant women..
Heartburn is common during pregnancy. This is because hormonal changes cause the digestive system to slow down, meaning that the muscles that push food move more slowly, especially during pregnancy, which leads to acid leakage into the esophagus, especially when lying down or after eating a large meal.
In addition, it may get worse during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, as when the uterus grows, this puts more pressure on the stomach and thus stomach acid is pushed into the esophagus.
It should be noted that although pregnancy increases the risk of heartburn, it varies from woman to woman
Some of them may not experience heartburn, as it depends on several factors, such as: organ functions, diet, daily habits, and the nature of pregnancy.
● Symptoms of GERD for pregnant women. Symptoms of GERD are common during pregnancy, but improve after the birth of the baby. The most prominent symptoms are:
• A feeling of burning in the middle of the chest.
Feeling bloated.
• bitter taste in the mouth.
• sore throat.
• Cough.
• Nausea and vomiting.
● Tips to relieve GERD symptoms for pregnant women. Some lifestyle changes can be made to help relieve symptoms, including:
It is recommended to eat several small meals a dayLarge meals, and it is preferable to stay away from chocolate and mint, as they make GERD worse.
It is preferable not to lie down immediately after eating, but to wait 2-3 hours, and it is also advised not to eat late at night.
You can walk a little after you finish eating to promote digestion, or stay upright for at least an hour after eating.
It is recommended to raise the head of the bed 15-20 centimeters by placing some pillows to reduce the symptoms of GERD during pregnancy.
It is preferable to sleep on the left side during pregnancy..
Sugar-free gum can be chewed for half an hour after meals to increase saliva production, which helps balance saliva
Excess acid in the esophagus.
You can drink a small cup of almond milk after each meal when you feel reflux, as it helps to calm the symptoms.
Tips for preventing GERD for pregnant women.
● We offer you some tips that may reduce the risk of GERD for pregnant women, including the following:
• Stay away from foods that cause stomach problems and lead to heartburn, including spicy foods, fried foods, processed meats, and caffeine.
• Do not mix a lot of liquids with a lot of food, as this will exacerbate heartburn, so it is recommended to drink liquids between meals.
• Do not eat quickly, as this will lead to swallowing more air, which may form gases and exacerbate symptoms
GERD, so it is advised to take small bites and chew them well.
• Wear loose and comfortable clothes, as tight clothes around the abdomen lead to increased pressure on the stomach and thus increase esophageal reflux.
• maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy; Because excess weight increases pressure on the digestive system.
• Take care to rest and practice relaxation exercises, such as: yoga, meditation, and acupuncture.
● When should I consult a doctor immediately?
For some women, her symptoms may get worse, so if she suffers from the following symptoms, she should consult a doctor, including:
• Waking up at night due to heartburn.• Difficulty swallowing.
• Cough.
• Weight loss.
Black stool.
It should be noted that if symptoms are left untreated, this may lead to esophageal damage.